Event details

Houska, Houska 1 Liberec region

27.7.2024 - 28.7.2024


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Bohnice 2024 na Housce

Bohnice 2024 na Housce
Bohnice na Housce 2024 Řemesla v podání klientů a terapeutů PN Bohnice a dalších dílen. Zdroj fotky (Bohnice na Housce ): Psychiatrická nemocnice Bohnice

Bohnice 2024 na Housce [FULL CZECH description]

More about Bohnice 2024 na Housce Event www

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Look at the possibilities for accommodation in the locality of the event Bohnice 2024 na Housce

Pension U potoka   Josefův Důl

Hotel Rehavital   Jablonec nad Nisou

Cultural centers - Liberec region Events in the area