Event details

Prague 7, Na Výšinách 1 Prague

13.10.2024 at 19:00 (Sunday)


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Tango bez hranic

Tango bez hranic

A concert dedicated to a project that will present Argentine tango from the works of Carlos Gardel, Aníbal Troilo, Cátulo Castillo, and other greats of this genre. The event will feature arrangements by Argentine pianist Joel Tortul, with vocals by singer Petra Dokládalová. The atmosphere will be enhanced by the dance duo Eliška Strouhalová and Daniel Vinklář. Expect an evening in the style of magical realism. Experience authentic tango that knows no borders or nationality. This time, in the beautiful setting of Vodárenská věž Letná.

More about Tango bez hranic Event www

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