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Prague, U Paliárky 7 Prague

1.3.2024 at 17:00 - 8.3.2024

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Hana Roldánová: Realita snu

Hana Roldánová: Realita snu

Hana Roldánová is among the young talents who haven’t undergone formal artistic training. Unlike many of her contemporaries, she doesn’t just focus on the need to convey any message. She is aware that a work, if it is to be enduring, must also carry aesthetic value. Hana Roldánová is associated with visual art not only through her practical creation but also through ongoing studies in art history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Art has always been a part of her life and herself. She belongs to those artists who paint with their entire life and soul. Born after 2000, the author belongs to the so-called ‚snowflake‘ generation, widely discussed for its perceived fragility. In her work, she truly combines the fragility attributed to this generation with a strong and compelling emotional charge, which defies the perception of this generation. Saturday, March 2, 2024: Exhibition Opening (from 1:00 PM) 3:00 PM: Author’s Poetry Reading 5:00 PM: Avant Alpa Band Friday, March 8, 2024 – Exhibition Dernissage (from 5:00 PM) Jazz Performance by L&H

More about Hana Roldánová: Realita snu Event www

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