Event details

Brno, Poštovská 6 South Moravian region

27.8.2024 at 23:45 (Tuesday)

150 Kč

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Midnight Mucha - Birthday of Lokal U Caipla after party

Midnight Mucha - Birthday of Lokal U Caipla after party

Nikola Mucha with his guitar, out of tune ukulele, looper and blower will stir the air of the unventilated club Metro. The songwriter of Jesus, I Just Pissed Myself or Guys Are Dicks and her rawly authentic one woman show. You either love her or you don't! Mucha solo as the grand finale of Lokal U Caipla's birthday!

More about Midnight Mucha - Birthday of Lokal U Caipla after party Event www

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