Kick-off event EIT Community RIS Hub Czechia (English)

Kick-off event EIT Community RIS Hub Czechia (English)


Praha 1, Hybernská 4

Termín: 11.10.2024 v 09:00 hod. (pátek)

zdarma / free

11říjen pátek 09:00

Žánr: ostatní akcetechnologie vzdělávání

Zahajovací akce EIT Community RIS HUB Czechia oficiálně představí zahájení činnosti tohoto hubu v Česku, čímž symbolizuje významný krok směrem k podpoře inovací a spolupráce v regionu.

Hlavním cílem této akce je představit a propagovat misi EIT Community RIS Hub, který se zaměřuje na podporu inovací, podnikání a spolupráce mezi klíčovými aktéry českého inovačního ekosystému, se zvláštním důrazem na regiony, které dosud nebyly tradičními centry technologického rozvoje.


The Kick-off event of the EIT Community RIS HUB Czechia marks the official launch of the hub’s operations in Czechia, symbolizing a significant step towards fostering innovation and collaboration within the region. The primary objective of this event is to introduce and promote the mission of the EIT Community RIS Hub, which is dedicated to supporting innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration among key stakeholders in the Czech innovation ecosystem, with particular emphasis on regions that have not traditionally been centres of technological advancement. As a platform and contact point, the hub connects key innovation centres in Czechia with a broad network of stakeholders, including academia, businesses, investors, and public institutions. Through funding opportunities, educational programs, mentorship, and workshops, the hub encourages stronger collaborations, supports the development of innovative solutions, and creates a vibrant ecosystem that fosters the growth of startups. The hub’s efforts contribute to the advancement of sustainable and impactful projects throughout the country, ensuring that innovation reaches even the most underrepresented regions. This event offers a unique opportunity to be part of the future of Czech innovation. Don't miss the chance to join us, connect with leading figures in the innovation landscape, and help shape the future of technological progress in Czechia. This event will be followed by the Nové Horizonty Summit, organized by EIT Urban Mobility, which focuses on the future of mobility, innovation, and sustainable urban development.

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